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Childhood Cancer has been actively raising funds to supply Flow Cytometers to Children's Hospital in Milwaukee and the UW Hospital in Madison.  We are now providing funds for the Marshfield Clinic to create a Family and Children friendly "Child's Healing Space.


Diabetes Awareness - Thousands of people suffer from the disease and many others may have diabetes and not even know it! It is estimated that one out of every three children born after 2000 in the United States will be directly affected by diabetes, and by 2050, one in three American adults will have diabetes.That is why the American Diabetes Association's Wisconsin office is so committed to educating the public about how to stop diabetes and support those living with the disease.


Eyeglass Recycling  Lion Paul Tittl from Manitowoc was instrumental in getting WISCONSIN ACT 257 eye glass bill recently signed by Governor Evers. This bill creates an exemption from liability for charitable organizations that provides previously owned eyeglasses to an individual such as Wisconsin Lions Foundation. Lions Foundation can now use recycled glasses within our own state.  Lions collect glasses throughout the state and redistribute them throughout the world as well as Wisconsin.


Hearing aids is a project Lions run through our foundation at our Lion Camp in Rosholt.  Individuals with low income can apply for assistance with the purchase of new hearing aids.


Medical Equipment Loan Lockers is a service by Lions to loan out all sorts of assistive devices to area residents free of charge.

Medical Equipment Loan Lockers

Fox Valley Lions Medical Loan Locker


Larsen-Winchester Medical Loan Locker

Manitowoc Durable Medical Equipment

Sherwood Lions
Wayside-Morrison Lions

WestLake Medical Equipment Locker

Van Dyne
Wild Rose Lions

Leader Dogs for the Blind is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower people who are blind or visually impaired with lifelong skills for independent travel.


Lions Clubs International Foundation is the charitable arm of the the world-wide Lions organization.


Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin is located in Madison collects and distributes eye tissue for transplantation and research.


Lions Project for Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit organization formed in 1983 to educate, raise funds and to seek puppy raisers for Canine Companions for Independence.


Peace Essay Contest - New for 2025 - The state has authorized a peace essay contest for all clubs in the state.  The contest will run along side of the Peace Poster Contest with the judging done by the district convention in November.  Click on the Peace Essay Contest link in purple to go to the page with more information.


Peace Poster Contest - Each year, Lions Clubs International runs a peace poster contest for middle school children. The winning entry for our district receives $50, second place $25 and third $15. The winner goes on to the state level and the winner of the state is entered Internationally. Local Lions Clubs sponsor a contest in their school. 


Restoring Hope Transplant House  Bone marrow and organ transplant patients and caregivers visiting the Madison area in search of life-saving care at nearby University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics now have a comfortable, affordable and caring environment to call their home away from home during their stay.  They would like to gather information from Lions Clubs about services for their patients in your community.  Click here to open the survey for printing.  Fill out the form and mail it back to them.  Thank you.


SEAS provides sailing and racing opportunities for those in the Sheboygan and the surrounding communities who have physical or cognitive challenges.


Special Olympics Opening Eyes program is to improve the quality of life for the millions of individuals diagnosed with intellectual disabilities by optimizing their vision, eye health and visual skills through quality eye care.


Vision Screening is done by Lions all over the District to provide vision screening to the youth of our community for those who do not have access to pediatric eye screening programs. Our goal is to identify vision issues early enough in a child’s life to assist in correcting vision for life” In pursuit of our ongoing campaign against blindness


Wheel Chair Ramp Building Project is offered by a select group of Lions clubs.  Each club offers different service depending on the resources of the club.  Other Lions clubs do not have the resources and personnel to build ramps. 


Wisconsin Lions Foundation is the charitable arm of the Wisconsin Lions located in Rosholt on the Wisconsin Lions Camp property.  Major programs include the Lions Camp, Eyeglass Recycling, Diabetes Awarness, Hearing Program and Vision Screening.  The Birch-Sturm Memorial Fund and the Lions Pride Endowment Fund are headquartered on the property as well.  Would your club like to donate a specific item to the camp?  Check our the latest WISH LIST for items that are needed.


Youth Exchange - Every summer, the Lions of Wisconsin invite over fifty youth from around the world to Wisconsin for a six-week summer camping experience.

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