District Convention

49th Annual Convention
NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2024 Radisson Hotel and Convention Center, Fond du Lac
The Lions and Leos of 27-B1 invite you to the 49th Annual Convention of District 27-B1 at the Radisson Hotel and Convention Center in Fond du Lac.
Hello Lions, LEOs, and Guests. We are so excited about this year’s MD27 B1 District convention which will be November 8th and 9th in Fond du Lac, at the Radisson Hotel & Conference center. District Governor Lion Dave Holschbach has chosen to focus on the reasons we are Lions, our core values, and the great things the Lions of B1 do and support, including taking a look back at your roots.
DG Lion Dave gained his work ethics and core values from his childhood growing up on a farm. To celebrate these roots, the Friday night social will be a hoedown. Although it is certainly not required, we would love for you to get into the spirit by wearing your farming/western wear. Regardless of what you’re wearing, we are thrilled for everyone to come together and celebrate being Lions. We have a DJ to help you do-si-do your partner as well as snacks and beverages for all to enjoy.
The convention will be filled with opportunities to learn about new things happening with the many Wisconsin Lions Projects, programs, the Portal, ways we can recognize and award our fellow lions, and more. When registering, remember to include the lunch session on Saturday where you will have the pleasure of hearing from Internation Director Lion Anthony Paradiso. You will also not want to miss out on Saturday evening’s banquet. The banquet offers the chance to learn more about your Wisconsin Lions Camp right from campers in your district! Camp Director Lion Andrea Yenter will facilitate the panel that will share stories, answer questions, and remind us why it's great to be a Lion!
Join us for the celebration, we promise it will be fantastic!

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Last update: Oct. 25, 2024 | Lions logo is a registered trademark of Lions International.