Adell Lions
Adell Area Community Center
2nd Tuesday 19:00
510 Seifert St.
Adell WI
Recurring activity--Brat Fry second Saturday each month at Adell Mini Mart
We invite all to join us. 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
State & National Projects
Support Wisconsin Lions Foundation
Support Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin
Collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids
Support Leader Dogs for the Blind
Lions Project Canine Companions for Independence
Local Projects
Support Adell Senior Center
Support Adell & Batavia First Responders
Grant Scholarships to local youth
Support Random Lake Ambulance
Support Random Lake Food Pantry
Support Lakeview Library in Random Lake
Who are Lions?
Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to humanitarian causes in their local and world communities. By conducting service projects and raising funds, Lions strive to help those in need, wherever need exists.
The Lions motto is "We Serve".
Lions have been known throughout the world for their service to the blind and visually impaired. A majority of the world's eye banks are established and supported by Lions, as are hundreds of clinics, hospitals, and eye research centers. In their local communities, Lions provide thousands each year with free quality eye care, eyeglasses, and optical aids. They also recycle eyeglasses and support research for diabetes and diabetic eye disease. Disadvantaged and disabled youths attend Lion-sponsored camps where they learn to better understand themselves, and are encouraged to positively accept the challenges they face.
"We Serve"
In order to raise funds, individual Adell Lions have brutally broiled brats, flipped pancakes without mercy, dug up defenseless spruce trees, cornered (and sometimes enraged) innocent civilians in the attempt to sell raffle tickets, thrown candy at rotten kids following a parade, and, most awful of all, impersonated Santa Claus! (Some of Santa's elves were pretty strange, too!) In the process, the Lions have also had fun.
Help Wanted!
To do all this, a few additional good people are needed to give of themselves to benefit their neighbors and friends here in Adell and in the wider community. You won't get rich; indeed, you won't get paid at all unless the coin of personal satisfaction and the respect of the community will satisfy!